Παρασκευή 30 Μαΐου 2008

Τοποθέτηση της ΑΡΑΝ στη συνάντηση του Παρισιού 31/5-1/6

Αριστερή Ανασύνθεση / Aristeri Anasynthesi / Left Re-composition

On the challenges facing the radical Left in Europe

(position paper presented at the international “May 68 – May 2008” conference in Paris, May 31 – June 1 2008)

We live in a time of great challenges for the radical left in Europe, great dangers but also great opportunities.

On the one hand, we are amidst a phase of capitalist restructuring, internationalization of capital, neoliberal orthodoxy and imperial aggression leading to a new offensive of the forces of capital and imperialism:

  • Imperialist aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • EU enlargement and the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon
  • Expansion of flexible and precarious forms of labor
  • Reforms of pension systems that undermine their redistributive character
  • Reforms of educational systems in order to subsume tertiary education to the imperatives of capitalist accumulation
  • Financial austerity, budget cuts on social services, refusal of wage increases
  • Privatization and opening up of new spaces for capitalist valorization

On the other hand we have a new wave of resistance and struggle that makes manifest the inherent contradictions of the current phase:

  • Large popular movements challenge imperialist strategy in Palestine. Latin America, Nepal.
  • Great waves of social unrest have swept Europe: Workers’ strikes against reforms of pension systems; explosion of the “1000 euro Generation” against precarious labor; student movements against the “Bologna Process”.
  • The anti-war movement and the movement against the internationalization of capital (‘anti-global’).

On a more general level we can say that we witnessing cracks in the whole edifice of neoliberalism as an aggressive capitalist strategy and ideology. Austerity, insecurity and the constant denial of a better future for workers and youth, have eroded the capability of neoliberalism to be truly hegemonic, despite the ideological homogenization of mainstream political parties and their full-hearted endorsement of neoliberal policies.

This conjuncture has also led to transformations in the political scene. Social-democratic parties have become openly neoliberal and have championed aggressive forms of capitalist restructuring and privatization. For a long time they have not been parties of the Left, but parties with a bourgeois – capitalist outlook and strategy. But this process has alienated them from social strata that supported them for many decades. That is why we are witnessing a crisis of Social Democracy all over Europe and the return to power of centre-right and/or conservative governments. The emergence of “Big Coalitions” between social-democratic and conservative parties makes this tendency more than evident.

At the same time we are also witnessing signs of crisis in reformist left-wing parties, such as the parties that comprise the Party of European Left. The open crisis of PCF in France, PCE in Spain and the catastrophic results of Sinistra Arcobaleno (which included Communist Refoundation) in Italy, are the results of the inability to distance themselves from Social Democracy and of their participation in neoliberal governments (e.g. Prodi government in Italy). Even those parties of the reformist Left that have avoided direct participation in governments and have a more radical political rhetoric, such as Synaspismos in Greece, also retain the strategic goal of a left-wing government as a political alternative.

The situation of the radical Left is also contradictory. During the current decade the appeal of anti-capitalist political and ideological positions has increased, and tendencies of the anti-left have been instrumental in the development of social struggles, including some of the greatest waves of social unrest. But, we have also witnessed the inability of the anticapitalist Left to provide a true alternative to the parties of the Reformist Left. Important political experiments are facing serious problems (such as the split in Respect in Britain). Many political organizations have chosen to enter into political alliances with parties of the reformist Left. Sectarian practice and mentality has undermined efforts to create new forms of political unity of the radical Left.

The crisis of Social Democracy and the inherent political limitations of the parties of the Party of the European Left in a time of great social unrest mean that there is true political potential for the radical Left in Europe. But if we do not wish to miss these opportunities, we must choose a different path.

  • We must fight against the current wave of capitalist aggression and contribute to the development of victorious social movements. That’s why unity in action, in the trade unions, in the student movement, in anti-imperialist initiatives, is more than necessary.
  • At the same time must insist on the political independence of the radical Left and its discontinuity with the rest of the political scene. Participation of the radical Left in electoral alliances with other reformist parties reinforces forms of reformist hegemony. Autonomous political presence of the radical Left is necessary if we want to have anti-capitalist political points of reference.
  • But this necessary political independence of the Radical left must be accompanied by new forms of unity within its ranks. We must refuse sectarianism and the logic of the small group or sect and find new forms of political collaboration and synthesis. The creation of broad anti-capitalist alliances and fronts, which must include not only political organizations but also militants with no other political engagement, can facilitate both political action and the renovation of anti-capitalist strategy. That is why we oppose the logic of alliances based on historical ideological currents (e.g. trotskyist or maoist etc) and insist on the convergence of different currents.
  • A basic set of anti-capitalist political positions is necessary. This must include not only the demands of the current social struggles, but also demands that challenge aspects of capitalist relations of exploitation and oppression, demands that demonstrate our belief a non-capitalist organization of society is possible.
  • A clear position on the internationalization of capital and imperialism is necessary. The logic of an alternative globalization, proposed by currents of the reformist Left, is inadequate and creates illusions about the possibility of a ‘globalization with a human face’. The rupture with all forms of imperialism remains a cornerstone of left-wing politics.
  • That is why it is also important to have a clear position on EU and treat it as an aggressive capitalist alliance that has promoted the capitalist restructuring of production and has undermined worker’s rights. The radical Left must be wholeheartedly against the EU and insist on the goal for rupture with the EU as a necessary prerequisite for any process of social emancipation.

In Greece the Unitary Anticapitalist Left (ENANTIA) a coalition of political organizations and independent militants into which we participate, has already made an appeal to all currents of the Greek radical Left for the creation of an electoral alliance in the next elections for the European Parliament. We believe that similar processes must be set in motion also in other European countries. That is why we think that the idea of a coordination of such initiatives all over Europe is welcome, provided that we always bear in mind the priority of the processes at the national level.

As a part of this whole process we think that it is necessary to coordinate efforts for Pan-European campaigns:

  • Against imperialist war and aggression
  • Against the new European constitutional treaty (Treaty of Lisbon)
  • Against educational reforms and the “Bologna Process”.
  • Against privatizations of public goods and services
  • Against precarious work
  • Against anti-immigrant policies.

40 years after May 68 the need for an anti-capitalist left is more urgent and actual than ever. We must refuse sectarianism and dogmatism and at the same time resist the temptation to incorporate the radical Left in reformist projects. The radical Left in Europe must take advantage of the opportunities offered in the current conjuncture and work to create new forms of left-wing hegemony. But this means that the radical Left must prove able to change itself. That’s the challenge for all of us.

Aristeri Anasynhtesi / Left Re-composition is a political organization of the Greek radical Left, with a Marxist theoretical reference and a communist political orientation. The militants of Aristeri Anasynthesi have a strong presence in the student movement, the trade unions and local initiatives. Aristeri Anasynthesi, along with other political organizations and militants, participates in Unitary Anticapitalist Left (ENANTIA) an electoral and political alliance.

Αριστερή Ανασύνθεση / Aristeri Anasynthesi / Left Re-composition

Stratigopoulou 7

11472 Athens, Greece

WEB: http://anasynthesi.blogspot.com

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